11 Life Changing Stress Management Tips for Working Moms

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How to get stress relief as a busy working mom 

There’s no joy like motherhood but it comes with its struggles especially when you’re also a working mom and have tons of things to do and literally no time to catch your breath! You easily become an overwhelmed working mom and stressed to the max!

If you’re stressed like most working mothers are, it’s time to de-stress yourself. Today we are going to talk about the best stress management tips for working moms

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Working mom stress management

Stress often gets a bad reputation because according to the Mayo Clinic,  it’s known to cause anxiety, sadness, irritability, lack of focus and motivation, as well as give you sleep problems.

Your kids are already robbing you of your sleep you don’t need stress to take away the little bit of sleep you were getting. But, at the same time, some forms of stress are actually good for you. According to pyschology today the good types of stress include travel, falling in love, change, and being a beginner. 

Doesn’t this remind you of motherhood, especially being a new mom?

Think about it…

1.Falling in love with your new baby

2. Adapting to having a new person in the home who demands your attention

3. Being a first-time mom.  

4. Returning to work after having a baby


That’s all stress albeit good stress, it’s stress. Very Well Mind says good stress becomes bad stress when you’ve had too much of it. Your baby is always going to be there and so will your career.

So, how do you keep that stress in check?

Use stress relief items!  Don’t worry I have a list of the best ones. 


Stress relief items for working moms 

stress relief for working moms

When you can feel the stress and anxiety starting to build up, turn to 1 or all of these items and watch as your stress levels go back to a tolerable level. These stress-relief items can be used at home, at work, or wherever you are. 


Stress management tips for working moms 

sources of stress for working moms

In addition to using stress relief items, you can also make changes and implement different activities to help keep your stress and anxiety levels low. 

  1.     Take some time off

It all begins with taking some time out of your busy schedule. We know it might be easier said than done considering your demands but some time management tricks are all you need. The basic one is, try to finish your work early or try doing it all at once so you can spend the left over time for yourself. You can also take a day off of work and enjoy some much needed me time for moms.

Some moms find it easier to take time time for themselves when they actually schedule it in their planner. Here is my favorite


  1.     Do things you gave up on

Let’s face it, motherhood comes with sacrifices, especially in the beginning. You find yourself slowly withdrawing from the activities you enjoy. You’re no longer having a girl night with your friends and you can’t remember the last time you watched your favorite show. But guess what? That ends today. It’s time to get back to you

Yes, working mom life has time constraints but fitting in the things you like will also save your sanity and make the weight of working mom life a little lighter. If you have a hobby like painting or dancing, get back into it. You can even incorporate your kids in the activity if you’re worried about mom guilt. Again, you’ll be more successful with this if you schedule it in your planner!


     3.      Read a book   

When was the last time you read a good book? If you can’t think of an answer, you know it’s time to do that again. Reading bestows peace, perhaps which is why they say books are your best friends. Plus, it’s so easy to read wherever you are when you have one of these bad boys! Just sneak away to the bathroom and lock the door. Take it from me, you definitely want the waterproof version. 

If physical books or digital books don’t seem practical for your life, try this instead.

  1.     Change the decor 

Ambiance has a lot to do with setting your mood. A cozy environment is all you need to find peace. During the daytime, a porch or balcony is probably the only place you can sit peacefully. If that’s true for you, it’s time to give your outdoor space a makeover. Fill the space with plants, mattresses, and lights until it becomes the place of your dreams. 

If the outdoors isn’t your thing, take a space in your home to claim as your own and decorate it in a way that’s relaxing for you!

All of us aren’t natural decorators and can’t afford to pay a designer to create a relaxing space for us. In that case, I recommend this to help change up decor and when all else fails, go here to get inspiration. 


  1.     Adjust the lighting 

Even research says low lights help in boosting mood. Now you might want to turn on your night lamps or think of getting fairy lights for your room to find the lost peace.


  1.    Turn on the music

You don’t have to wait until you have leisure time to listen to music, you can do it while you’re working too. Listening to music cannot only help to improve your mood but will also make working seem fun and less stressful. This is the best tool for unlimited access to all of your music favorites. 


  1.     Take time out for a movie 

There’s nothing like movie nights to boost your mood. Spare some time before your sleep if you can’t do it in the daytime and watch back to back movies. We bet it will bring all the peace that you felt was lost.

You can also binge-watch a series. Little Fires Everywhere on Hulu comes highly recommended! 

  1.     Go for walks

Walks are so underrated yet powerful when you want time to yourself and relief from your day to day responsibilities. It’s a time for reflection, relaxation, and mental rest. As an added perk, it’s even good for your health. 


  1.     Talk to your friends

When you’re the first in your circle to become a mom, it can feel very isolating. Your friends don’t understand what you’re going through and you don’t have time to hang with them like you used to. Or at least it feels as if you don’t. You have to make an effort to keep those relationships alive and relevant. Sure, you might be in different places in life but you are still friends!

It’s time to get those relationships back on track. There’s no time like today. Catch up with friends if you haven’t in a long time. Vent your frustrations and allow someone else to give you perspective.

If your friends are moms too, they will definitely understand where you are coming from. Some of my best conversations with one of my oldest friends were when I was breastfeeding and she was pumping. There’s no stress reliever than living those old times and comparing experiences. 


  1.      Indulge in your physical appearance

Have you ever heard the saying “When you look good you feel good”? Well, it’s very true!

As you transition into motherhood, it’s very easy to start neglecting yourself, especially your appearance. When was the last time you got your hair and nails done? You don’t necessarily have to get them professionally done. You can easily do them at home and have a professional outcome. 

Remember, becoming a mom doesn’t mean you have to neglect what makes you a woman!

  1.     Exercise

Have you ever tried Yoga? It is one of the most beneficial forms of exercise when it comes to stress management and overall health. Once you start doing yoga regularly, your stress levels will drop. This is because yoga works directly on your nervous system and trains your counter stress response. 

There are several types of yoga but you can get started at home by using this


How can working moms reduce stress

The best stress management tip for working moms is to remember you don’t have to do it all. Yes, there are things that must be done but there’s no rule that says it has to be done by you. Learn to delegate at work and at home.

Of course, you’re going to want things done your way, that’s normal too. You just have to give people an opportunity to learn your system. A home management system is key to that. When you use one, you’ll no longer have to worry about everything falling on your shoulders. Your husband and older children will always no what’s going on and what needs to be done!

Lastly, it’s normal to be stressed. Convince yourself that stress is not here to stay, because from today on, you’ll be finding joy and peace with your stress management tips. 

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